Monday, January 31, 2011

Julian Assange Nailed His 60 Minutes Interview

Julian Assange's 60 Minutes interview last night as much as anything he said, demonstrated how uncomfortable the American mainstream media still is with the idea of handing over control of their business to "an anti-establishment ideologue with conspiratorial views."

It didn't help that throughout much of the interview Steve Kroft came across like a severe scolding parent, who needs help programming the VCR.

Assange, meanwhile, appears to have reined in some of his bratty interview tendencies and gave a strong accounting of himself.

As last night was likely the first time much of the country was introduced to Assange this will likely only work in his favor in terms of public support and/or donations.

If you want see the entire interveiw go to:

WWW.CBSNEWS.COM and click '60Minutes'

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