Saturday, December 25, 2010


MRS. OBAMA ANSWERS CALLS FROM CHILDREN TO THE NORAD SANTA TRACKER - In Hawaii yesterday, the First Lady spent 38 minutes as the surprise guest, and the White House released a transcript:

OPERATOR: We have Max. ...

MRS. OBAMA: Right now I'm looking at the radar and I see a big, bright light. Santa is moving pretty fast, and right now he is in Johannesburg, South Africa. ...

MAX: Would you want to talk to Alex?

MRS. OBAMA: Is Alex your brother?

MAX: Yes. ...

MRS. OBAMA: I'd love to talk to Alex.

ALEX: Hi. ...

MRS. OBAMA: I just told your brother, Max, that right now Santa's sleigh is over South Africa -- Johannesburg, South Africa. That's where the sleigh is. The radar has got him.

ALEX: (Giggle.) ...

SEAN: I got an email from Santa this year.

MRS. OBAMA: You got an email from Santa? Well, he's really moving up. He's pretty high-tech now. ... Well, the important thing to remember is that he doesn't come to your house until you're fast asleep, no matter where he is in the country. So you've got to make sure you get a good night's sleep. Leave out your cookies and some vegetables for the reindeer and you should be good to go. ...

SETH: Is Rudolph on there? ...

AUSTIN: Is it hard to have all that security around you?

MRS. OBAMA: No, because the security -- the Secret Service, they're really professional and they're really nice guys. So they're fun. They're good with the girls. So they're not -- they do their jobs, but they're really nice guys. It's almost like they're family after a while. So it's not that hard having them around. And they're there to keep us safe, right? You can't be mad at that, right?

AUSTIN: Right ... Is it hard to like be married to the President?

MRS. OBAMA: No, he's a pretty good guy. I mean, it's a tough job and sometimes you want to do everything you can to help him, but it's pretty easy being married to him. He's kind of funny -- fun to hang out with. ...

MRS. OBAMA: Hi, sweetie. How old are you?


MRS. OBAMA: You're eight. Wow! You're one year younger than Sasha. This is so exciting. She's bouncing off the walls. I know you are, too. ... What's the thing you're most excited to get tomorrow?

JULIANA: My MP-3 player.

MRS. OBAMA: Oh, you sound just like Sasha. Same thing.

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