Thursday, February 03, 2011

McCain Fires Back at Rumsfeld Memoir: 'Thank God He Was Relieved of His Duties'

That's what Sen. John McCain told me this morning when I asked him about a report that former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld wrote in his new book that McCain had a “hair-trigger temper” and “a propensity to shift his positions to appeal to the media.”

“I respect Secretary Rumsfeld. He and I had a very, very strong difference of opinion about the strategy that he was employing in Iraq which I predicted was doomed to failure,” the Arizona Republican said on “GMA.”

McCain and Rumsfeld had clashed over troop levels.

“And thank God he was relieved of his duties and we put the surge in otherwise we would have had a disastrous defeat in Iraq,” McCain told me.

George Stephanopoulos is anchor of ABC's "Good Morning America."

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