Sunday, October 17, 2010

The 'Other' Salt: 5 Foods Rich in Potassium

"A recent report shows that consuming just 4.7 grams of "good salt" (potassium) is the equivalent of cutting out 4 grams of "bad salt" (sodium) in terms of reducing blood pressure.
But there are only so many bananas (.5g each) you can eat. Just in time for lunch, here's a list of 5 foods that can help boost your potassium intake."
The article goes on to list the following sources for potassium:
  1. Swiss chard (1 cup = 1g of potassium)
  2. Winter squash (1 cup = 1g)
  3. Avocado (1/2 Florida variety = .8g)
  4. Dried apricots (1/2 cup = .9)
  5. Baked potato (1 large = .9g)
The new study found increasing intake of potassium could improve blood pressure levels at the population level.
Posted By Dr. Mercola Next Article According to Time Healthland:
postassium rich Swiss chard

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