Thursday, April 16, 2009


Republican Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina.

According to a newspaper in Hendersonville, in that state, he told his constituents that last fall, as the economic crisis, that he knew exactly what to do.

“On Friday night, I called my wife and I said, Brooke, I‘m not coming home this weekend. I will call you on Monday. Tonight, I want you to go the ATM machine. And I want you to draw out everything it will let you take. And I want you to tomorrow.
And I want you to go Sunday.”

So, there it is. For anybody who thought the Republicans didn‘t actually have a plan to offer as an alternative to the Obama stimulus and the bail outs, you were wrong. There it is, the Senator Burr plan. Start a run on the banks!
Senator Richard Burr,today‘s worst person in the world.

Keith Olbermann MSNBC

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