Friday, December 24, 2010

List of ways to fight a cold that are more natural and more affordable than pricey, over-the-counter medicines

They include:

Slippery Elm
The inner bark of the Slippery Elm, when mixed with water, it becomes a slick gel. This gel is rich with antioxidants and coats your throat, stomach lining and intestines.

Herbal Tea
Making a tea from the herb echinacea may help fight the common cold. Goldenseal tea helps treat respiratory tract infections, eye infections and even yeast infections. Hot ginger or elderberry tea can help soothe a sore throat.

If you have a sore throat, try gargling with a honey mixture.

Nasal Saline Rinse
A natural nasal saline irrigates your nose and helps clear thick mucus and relieve pressure from your sinuses.

Steam can moisturize your nasal passages and will help the pressure from your sinuses.

White and Cider Vinegar
Wearing a pair of cotton socks soaked in white vinegar is an old, natural remedy that is still used today to reduce a fever.

White Willow
White willow is a natural anti-inflammatory and fever reducing remedy.

Chicken Noodle Soup
Chicken noodle soup has been medically proven to help cure a cold or fever. It is most effective if the soup is made with actual chicken bones in the broth.

Here's one folk remedy to cure a cough or chest cold -- chop raw pieces of garlic and mix it with olive oil. Let the mixture sit for a half hour, and then rub the mixture on the bottoms of your feet and cover with socks. The garlic will be absorbed by your skin.

Ginseng can help cure a cold or the flu, as well as prevent future colds if taken as a daily supplement.

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